Preach the Gospel by Example – Lessons from Horses

Gray Andalusian stallion in a fog

Sharing the gospel has much in common with both teaching and leadership because the most effective way to share your knowledge and experience with others is to use both show and tell. Are you looking for a new way to share the gospel? Consider using horses.

Merely talking about Jesus doesn’t always enhance understanding or relationship. The best opportunity to preach the gospel is by example; “Here, let me show you.”

The lofty standard for all who preach or teach the Word of God insists that the show must match the tell. The most effective workers for Satan are Christians who ask others to do as they say but to ignore what they do.

The accusation that sticks to Christians tighter than a tick on a hound dog is ‘Hypocrite!”

You can never give another person that which you have found, but you can make him homesick for what you have.”

Oswald Chambers


The most powerful result of modeling a right relationship with Christ is someone asking you this question, “I want what you have. What’s your secret?”

God doesn’t ask anyone to teach what he or she has not yet mastered. There is nothing to be gained by reaching out for someone in the  darkness if you can’t lead them to the Light.  When words fail, you have the opportunity to show; to creating communicate on a spiritual level.

Therapy Horses Share the Gospel

Therapy horses successfully reach adults and children without a mechanism to communicate except by what they feel physically and emotionally. Horses are uniquely qualified to meet humans on a spiritual level. Both horse and human ‘show’ each other without bothering with the ‘tell’ part that makes no sense to either of them.

Horses, like God, don’t care who you know, how much money you have, or how pretty or normal you are. Therapy horses share equally with every open heart, asking nothing more in return than an honest, respectful, and kind response.

How many Christians treat others with such grace?

Evangelizing – When Words Fail

When speaking to ears that are deaf to God’s Word, try skipping the verbiage and preach by example. Don’t describe a relationship with Jesus Christ in words – show others what it looks like; the delight, joy, peace, security, and love for all.

Preach the gospel constantly. Use words if necessary.

Francis of Assisi


If you ministry to married couples, what does your own marriage preach? If you teach parenting skills, what do folks learn from watching you with your kids? You preach the gospel that lives in your heart every moment of every day. What is it?

Are you preaching the truth or are you just another hypocrite?

Horses in Ministry

Nothing is more natural for preaching the gospel by example than working with horses. Observers learn what’s possible in relationship between man and God when they see what’s possible between a human and horse. Depending upon the leadership skills of the human, the picture is one of faith that overcomes fear through relationship and the show of worthy leadership and honest followership.

Lots of horse trainers speak a good message but aren’t doers of the Word. They tell you how to build relationship with a horse but resort to other methods when they think no one is watching.

Does your show match your tell when sharing the gospel message? If you’re not sure how to proceed, forget the talking part and concentrate fully on preaching by example.

Build Your Skills

To gain a deeper understanding of horses and their unique role in preaching the gospel, consider The Gospel Horse series of books. Each offers lessons, insights, and techniques you can use to enhance relationship with God, horses, or one another.

The series is perfect resource material for Cowboy Church pastors, equine ministries, therapy barns, and committed horse owners. Need ideas for lessons, messages, or solving problems?

It’s here.

Book covers from all four volumes in the Gospel Horse Series for people pursuing amazing relationship with God, horses, and one another.
Click image for information.

Related post: Leadership – Horsemanship – Discipleship

Another one: Preaching Without Words

Picture of Lynn Baber

Lynn Baber

Lynn is a best-selling author, retired World and National Champion horse breeder and trainer, former business consultant, motivational speaker, and serial entrepreneur. She continues to equip and encourage Christ-followers to enjoy lives of bold, border-free faith.

Picture of Lynn Baber

Lynn Baber

Lynn Baber is a best-selling author, retired World and National Champion horse breeder and trainer, former business consultant, motivational speaker, and serial entrepreneur. She continues to equip and encourage Christ-followers to enjoy lives of bold, border-free faith.

4 Responses

  1. I am old cowboy trying to write sermons using my horse don’t know how to put it all together.

    1. H Clint. Sorry for the delay getting back to you. If I understand this, you’re a bit stumped on how to write the sermon using a horse illustration? If that’s the case, the first three books of the Gospel Horse Series are packed with sermon ideas. Scripture, horse connection, and reference to God’s Word. If you’d like to take a peek… Gospel Horse Series

  2. I truly enjoyed reading this, Lynn.
    I had trouble at first getting to read it though because the ad kept coming up that I had to subscribe first.
    Oh well, the way of the internet nowadays isn’t it?
    But again, I did enjoy the reading.
    Thank you for such wisdom.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Barbara. The popup can be removed by clicking the X at the upper right and will disappear on its own. I’m sorry it was irritating. You’re already subscribed so don’t bother with it again. It’s difficult for me to see how it reacts. I set it to be there for people who’d like to subscribe but not obnoxious for others. Let me see if I can tweak it a bit more. Thank you for your kind note!

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