Live the dream with your horse.
You can enjoy relationship with your horse without frustration, disappointment, or fear. World and National Champion trainer and breeder, Lynn Baber, helps folks live their dream with horses. If you love horses and Jesus Christ, you’re in the right place.
Create A Relationship That Results In—
- A horse who chooses you first.
- Knowing your horse's thoughts.
- A horse offering obedience.
- Being who your horse deserves.
- A horse that reads your spirit.
- A closer connection with God.
Lynn's Barn Credentials:
- World and National Champion breeder and trainer
- Former show judge US and Europe
- Certified Equine Appraiser (retired)
- Certified Whole Horse Hoof Trimmer
- Clinician and Speaker
- Best-Selling author of the Gospel Horse Series
- Equine Ministry Founder
Explore the Gospel Horse Series
The Gospel Horse Series is a celebration of possibility, a banquet of leadership and horsemanship lessons about faith, failure, love, trust, trials, miracles, and the magnificent gift which is the horse.
He Came Looking For Me
Book 2
Discipleship With Horses
Book 3
What's In The Gospel Horse Books For You?
Whether you’re doing everything right or are so frustrated with your horse that you could spit J-Weld, you’ll discover something wonderful, curious, empowering, and comforting in the pages of the Gospel Horse Series. Discover how they seamlessly link your life with horses to God’s Word.
God is gracious, generous, and wastes nothing. For thirty years horses were my teachers and students. Like most people, 2020 was a year of change for us. My horses and I no longer share the same roof, but our story continues.
God has a unique purpose and vision for you just as He has for me. Walking with Christ, and horses, is a precious adventure.
As the Spirit Moves—Simple Encouraging Messages
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