Seeing the Real You In the Eyes of A Horse

Horses give you the gift of simplicity—seeing the world through their eyes. There is no pretense with a horse—they’re direct and only say what they mean.  Horses don’t care if your eyebrows are plucked, if the crease in your jeans isn’t sharp, if your boots are hand-me-downs, or if you missed a juicy promotion. People […]

Preach the Gospel by Example – Lessons from Horses

Sharing the gospel has much in common with both teaching and leadership because the most effective way to share your knowledge and experience with others is to use both show and tell. Are you looking for a new way to share the gospel? Consider using horses. Merely talking about Jesus doesn’t always enhance understanding or relationship. The best […]

Pretty Doesn’t Ride

  Pretty alone doesn’t ride. What what matters most in relationship isn’t seen with the eye. Pretty isn’t a reliable indicator of ability, heart, character, or trainability.  Neither is a great hip, but it’s a better bet than an attractive head if you want to do most of the funner things with horses. Gallop across meadows. […]