One Thing Every Christian With A Vision Must Do To Claim It


The vision God gave you of the top of a mountain is yours to claim. It’s not a case of maybeGod intends for you to get there, but many fail to do what it takes to succeed. Many believe that God is in the business of doing things for them, when God’s plan is doing things through them. 

Dreams and visions are one way God accomplishes His plans and purposes in the world. But dreams without doing are only daydreams, their power and potential evaporating with the morning dew. 

Vision Requires Action

God gives you inspiration, but not the accomplishment itself. He doesn’t follow up a vision with a Sherpa, a prepaid American Express card, and a travel agent. You receive the dream, but you must work for the victory. 

God’s visions are as good as delivered if you do your part.

A vision from God is a pledge to you in much the same way He gave the Israelites the Promised Land. God promised it to Abraham (Genesis 15:18-21), confirmed it to Isaac (Genesis 26:3) and also to Jacob (Genesis 28:13). 

Is Your Vision Bigger Than You?

Does your vision extend beyond your immediate area or maybe even your lifetime? Impatience is a natural human reaction when a promise isn’t kept NOW. The size of the vision affects its timing.

Moses received the vision to move his people 430 years after God made the promise. They already owned the land, and when God freed His people, the top of the mountain was theirs to claim.

After Joshua led the people across the Jordan River, God gave him a new vision—the city of Jericho. The next day Joshua took the first step toward conquering the city, adding more steps in obedience until the seventh day when they had to work much harder than the first six.

The Payoff of the Demanding Climb

Sometimes the last part of the climb is the hardest. You can only claim the top of your mountain if you lean into the trail and press on until you get there. The miracle of God is the power generated by a commingling of your spirit and the Holy Spirit. 

God not only gives you the vision, but the divine spark that brings it to life. 

Moses didn’t part the Red Sea with his own power, and Joshua didn’t tear down the Jericho walls himself. Elijah’s authority to call down fire to shellack the prophets of Baal was a combination of God’s power and his faithful obedience.

“With men this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)

Inspiration Comes From Worn Shoe Leather

Visions only become reality when inspiration and enthusiasm wear holes in the bottom of your shoes.

Enthusiasm:  c 1600, from enthousiazein, “be inspired or possessed by a god, be rapt, be in ecstasy,” from entheos, “divinely inspires, possessed by a god.” Generalized meaning, fervor or zeal.


Even if you don’t know how to get to the top of your mountain yet, take a step in (what you think is) the right direction. The best first step is small, followed by another and another. 

How “Name it and Claim it” Really Works

Much is both preached and criticized about the concept of “name it and claim it.” Most proponents teach that all you need do to get what you want is to express the desire, believe that it’s a done deal, and wait.

Claiming is always an active endeavor. Neil Armstrong traveled 238,900 miles to plant the US flag on the surface of the Moon on July 20, 1969, claiming it for the authority that sent him. The moon was the mountain; Armstrong and others shared the vision, identified and walked out each step, and only then realized the victory.

  • Neil Armstrong claimed the Moon.
  • Nehemiah claimed his wall.
  • Rosa Parks claimed her seat.
  • David claimed his giant. 

The one who says — “Yes, Lord, but…” is the one who is fiercely ready, but never goes. When once the call of God comes, begin to go and never stop going.Oswald Chambers

The Unexpected Discovery At The Top

The discovery everyone makes when they reach the top of their mountain for the first time is surprising. Your expansive, lofty view reveals another valley and another vision.

There is a larger purpose for your journey to the peak than merely arriving. It’s a training ground for the next vision or mission God has for you. He wastes nothing and His most valuable ministers, warriors, and disciples climb one mountain after another.  

Bask in each step along the way, whether blistered or blissful, because once you arrive, that quest ends and another begins. Invest today’s focus and strength on today’s trek, not what lies beyond this dream or vision.

Take action on the vision God gives you so one day you can claim the mountaintop for Him.

“For such a time as this.” —Esther 4:14

Your time is now.

Related posts: Temptation Valley—Danger for the Weary

Another related post: When God Answers Prayer With “Get it yourself.”

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Picture of Lynn Baber

Lynn Baber

Lynn is a best-selling author, retired World and National Champion horse breeder and trainer, former business consultant, motivational speaker, and serial entrepreneur. She continues to equip and encourage Christ-followers to enjoy lives of bold, border-free faith.

Picture of Lynn Baber

Lynn Baber

Lynn Baber is a best-selling author, retired World and National Champion horse breeder and trainer, former business consultant, motivational speaker, and serial entrepreneur. She continues to equip and encourage Christ-followers to enjoy lives of bold, border-free faith.

2 Responses

  1. Thank you for this word, given in such a timely manner. Such a time as this. Anne

    1. Thank you for your note, Anne. Enjoy each step of the journey, because you walk with Christ!

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