Transformational Leadership—4 Tips To Up Your Game

Transformational leadership is about change. Good leaders focus on getting the job done—doing what’s necessary to complete the tasks at hand. Great leaders focus on the people involved, seeing each task as both an objective and opportunity. Transformational leadership achieves goals while elevating everyone involved. People are inspired and motivated, walking away with something they […]
One Thing Every Christian With A Vision Must Do To Claim It

The vision God gave you of the top of a mountain is yours to claim. It’s not a case of maybe—God intends for you to get there, but many fail to do what it takes to succeed. Many believe that God is in the business of doing things for them, when God’s plan is doing […]
The Doer of Good

There isn’t enough time to do all I want or read every wonderful word composed by great minds and hearts. I’m up to my second rib in a new manuscript, working to say more with fewer words. This inspirational short story by Oscar Wilde popped up in my research and blew me away. So, […]