Everything has a beginning, including train tracks, a horse’s skeleton, and God’s Word. What happens to a horse’s soundness and performance and to our relationship with God, depends on starting in the right place and staying on track.
Think of a broken leg that healed crooked and twisted because it wasn’t set properly. Walking is painful. Muscles and soft tissues have to remodel to permit the person to walk and work. The gait is awkward, and no sport or skill can progress the way it would have without the broken place.
The only way to fix it is to rebreak it, correct it, and let it heal. Who thinks that sounds like fun? But when it comes to God’s Word or a lame horse, sometimes you have to go back to the beginning and start over.
Broken connections lead to unsoundness—from horses to the internet and to faith.
“Mali principii malus finis. — The bad end of a bad beginning.”
Latin Proverb
… You’ll Twist Scripture Somewhere Else
There are two ways to study God’s Word to man: believing God or believing what you were taught or reasoned out on your own.
Was Adam created as an infant or adult? Is the earth young or old?
Please watch the video about the problem, the pitfall, and the remedy, then share your comments, questions, or observations!
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