The Devil Owns the Fence

woman sitting on the top of a fence . the price when you decide not to choose sides

When’s the last time you decided that the wisest course of action was neutrality? Whether in a dispute between friends or some matter of politics, parenting, horsemanship, or scripture? Did sitting on the fence seem like the best (safest) response?

Mature wisdom follows Jesus’s advice to be “Wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove.” Those less mature often use this verse as an excuse to NOT make a choice except to sit on the fence.

“I’ll wait.”

Fences Don’t Have Three Sides

There are two sides to any fence. Simply put, God is on one side and Satan is on the other. One side is good and the other is evil. Likewise, one side is Light and the other dark. On one side you confess Christ, on the other you deny Him.

Can you remain neutral? Not unless the choice is of zero consequence, like what to put on your morning toast; butter or jam?

In any meaningful choice, neutrality isn’t possible. Climbing onto the rails and balancing IS a choice and a precarious place. It is a choice against God, good, and Light.

Because the devil owns the fence.

Fences Force Decisions

We fool ourselves by believing that choices aren’t material when they are. When in doubt, inquire of God, because you can’t fool Him.

Zephaniah prophesied to a people who claimed revival but were content with partially removing the darkness from their hearts. They committed partway — they chose the fence.

The prophet wrote:

“And it shall come to pass at that time …
I will punish the men who are settled in complacency,
Who say in their heart,
‘The Lord will not do good,
Nor will He do evil.'”

Zephaniah 1:12

“Sitting on the Fence” is a Choice

Sure, you can choose to sit on the fence. But when it comes to faith, that seat will keep getting warmer until you’re forced to evacuate. Sadly, the only side available will be the NOT GOD side.

Don’t fall into the trap the world and the devil lay for those susceptible to distraction, rationalization, and attractive human wisdom.

Choose today. Recognize how important that choice is, because it determines which door to eternity will open for you.

Related post: The Difference Between Excuses and Explanations

Another interesting post: Socialism, Equality, and the Garden of Eden

There are two doors to eternity, one opened by the human spirit and one by the power of the Holy Spirit. Are you positive you know which one you’ve chosen? Many will be surprised when they hear, “Depart from Me, I never knew you.”

Humanism Truth Society versus Faith
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Picture of Lynn Baber

Lynn Baber

Lynn is a best-selling author, retired World and National Champion horse breeder and trainer, former business consultant, motivational speaker, and serial entrepreneur. She continues to equip and encourage Christ-followers to enjoy lives of bold, border-free faith.

Picture of Lynn Baber

Lynn Baber

Lynn Baber is a best-selling author, retired World and National Champion horse breeder and trainer, former business consultant, motivational speaker, and serial entrepreneur. She continues to equip and encourage Christ-followers to enjoy lives of bold, border-free faith.

2 Responses

  1. We have a Pilgrim Progress ride through the Bible park. Would like to tell all the gospel through John Bunyan’s writings. Need your input. God has truly blessed us!

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