Strange Bedfellows—Social Justice and Moralistic Therapeutic Deism

How could any nice person oppose social justice? Folks oppose social justice when it either (1) attaches judgment to common sense or (2) opposes their own best interest. Which means, it’s either demonstrably wrong or considered an opinion that offends our sense of self. Social justice is also a deceptively pleasant phrase concocted by the […]
“Nefarious” Movie Review — A Christian Movie Without Christian Characters

My husband and I watched Nefarious the day it opened in theaters. It’s billed as a horror movie, but it’s not horrific in the way you might expect. There’s no blood, gore, or scenes you just can’t force yourself to watch. Curiously, until the last minutes, there isn’t a Christian character in the whole movie. […]
Web 3.0—The Next Assault On Christianity

Web 3.0 is an online tsunami currently building its destructive power. It promotes virtual relationships beyond the five simple senses. It threatens to alter perceived reality from actual to invented, and to further diminish ALMIGHTY God into either a weak promoter of niceness or a personal enemy. Web 3.0 promotes individual autonomy and power, the same […]
Burnout, Stress, and Overwhelm—It’s Not Just You

Do frustration, irritation, anxiety, and constant fatigue feel like they’ve become part of your DNA? Has the clear call of the Holy Spirit faded until you sometimes wonder if it was real? Churches are dying, and leaders are experiencing debilitating stress as more folks define “a good life” in ways that don’t resemble Jesus’s mission. […]
Advance The Kingdom With A Bigger Message

The biggest idea in the world is the gospel of Jesus Christ, but it’s often shared as if it’s easy for anyone to understand. It is simple, but that isn’t necessarily the same thing as easy. Since the time you answered the Holy Spirit’s invitation, has your message gotten bigger or smaller? When you share […]
Seeing God—What It Means to Be Pure in Heart

Some people don’t want to see God because they don’t believe He exists. Curiously, the people who are most passionate about not believing are the same ones who harbor the greatest doubts. The rest of us eagerly await the moment when we shall behold Him. One day we’ll meet face-to-face, but for most of us […]
Temptation Valley—Danger For the Weary

Struggling against oppressive heat and humidity on my morning walk a few days ago, the forecast high a blistering 105 degrees, I recorded my efforts to move and breathe. One of the most natural human responses when we find ourselves in a pit is to dig a little deeper. So I did. If Satan has […]
Transforming Evils into Bouquets: Posy-Plucking

Ring-a-round the Rosie, a pocketful of posies. Grass burs are little evil posies. Spiritual warfare comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. I pick bouquets of posies several times a day. The posies in my photo aren’t soft, fragrant, or belong anywhere near my pocket. Ouch! I’d love to seldom see them, with discovery […]