15 Christlike Characteristics to Practice This Christmas

Everyone preaches the gospel that truly lives in their hearts. When the Holy Spirit moves in, you begin the life-long journey of becoming more like Jesus every day. Living in the Light means concentrating on what is good, admirable, loving, and Christlike. Only darkness dwells primarily on descriptions of sin. These 15 Christlike characteristics offer positive examples […]
Communication Snafus with Your Horse

Would you agree that communication snafus are the cause of many, if not most, disagreements? My husband and I agree on almost everything, but words don’t always mean precisely the same thing to both of us. Sometimes we look at each other blankly, unsure how to clarify what we mean. Before we got engaged we […]
“Drinking from my Saucer” – Perfectly Simple Prayer of Gratitude

An elderly man in a motorized chair sat at the head of the Thanksgiving table. Contentment wasn’t a gift he’d enjoyed in the first eighty-four years of life and gratitude was not his usual perspective on the world. He honestly could do almost anything. Name any skill – he probably had it. Which peeved a […]
Judging Others – “I’m okay, you’re horrible.”

Most folks believe they’re good people, excusing failures because “I meant well.” After all, isn’t everyone an imperfect screw-up on occasion? If only we judged others the way we judge ourselves. “Human nature seems to endow people with the ability to size up everybody in the world but themselves.” – John C. Maxwell Everyone blows […]