Dear Friend,
A message and a question…
I’ve marveled many times when 4-legged critters display greater savvy than we do. For example, no one could convince Diva the Dachshund that they were me. She’d take one sniff with her long nose, listen to one word with her magnificent ears, and then run away because she wouldn’t buy it for a second.
In 2018, Barna Research discovered that 51% of church attendees in the US have never heard of the Great Commission and only 17% know what it is. How can 83% of churched people not demand an answer to one of the oldest questions of the human heart, “Why am I here?”
But that’s not today’s question.
Today’s message is simple: be sure you can distinguish the real Jesus Christ from imposters who litter cultures and congregations.
The King is Coming
I don’t know when He’ll return, but I recognize the season and I know many of you do, too. Most folks feel fairly confident that they have a good enough relationship with Jesus. What leads them to believe that good enough is sufficient? (That’s not the question either.)
People who trust their eternity to a Jesus who tolerates everything and judges no one are in for a rude awakening. Even Diva knows that there are boundaries and consequences. Only an imposter would tell her otherwise.
Jesus isn’t one way to heaven, He’s the only way. Any theory or belief to the contrary is based on someone’s opinion. No matter who or what you believe, it’s POWERLESS unless what you believe is TRUE.
Which leads me to the real question:
How do you know that what you believe is true? Who do you trust as the authority on who God is, who Jesus Christ is, and who the Holy Spirit is? God’s autobiography or the opinions of others?
Those are the only two choices.
God’s Word is the sole authority on who He is and how you can be in right relationship with Him.
Do you know His character, His footstep, His voice and manner well enough to call out imposters? Can you distinguish His word from what others insist He said or meant?
Diva the Dachshund wouldn’t fall for a fake. In this season, don’t you fall for one either. Do you know God’s Word well enough to recognize imposters with errant doctrine?
What are preachers preaching if 83% of the churched don’t understand the Great Commission?
Do you know His voice? Do you see Him active in your life?
Are you collecting your own God Dots? (If you don’t know what they are, click the link or reply to this email and I’ll explain.)
The King is coming. I’m ready.
Comments, questions, or observations? Just tap reply. Thank you for choosing to stay connected. I pray for you and am grateful to share part of my journey with you.

This post is the text of my August 26th email to my community made .available here by special request.
If you’d like to connect and receive regular emails, please use the pop up or the opportunity at the bottom of this page. I’d love to welcome you in!
2 Responses
I test everything by the word of God and there’s that still small voice “Hey! You gonna check that out?”
Something’s are so ridiculous all I can do is stand and blink. No words come to mind for a few moments.
The way you characterize the moment makes me smile, Penny. Sadly, too many nod their head, being more willing to change their understanding than verify what they hear.
Thanks for sharing. Lynn
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