Could Artificial Intelligence Keep You Out of Heaven?

Have you ever wondered what might have happened if another Eden critter popped out to warn Adam and Eve that the subtil serpent was lying to them? Obviously, God’s word wasn’t enough to keep them from buying into the sweet deal that slimy thing was selling. Would they have listened to a voice that wanted […]

5 Disciplines of Personal Revival

man in work out gear running up stadium stairs

Personal revival isn’t once and done, but a continuing commitment to compare progress, habits, and priorities with what you’ve accomplished in the past and the way God’s word tells you to run your race. I love my life, my husband, my work, and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. But last week the progress and […]

Advance The Kingdom With A Bigger Message

boy on a bench alone under a tree with vast sky

The biggest idea in the world is the gospel of Jesus Christ, but it’s often shared as if it’s easy for anyone to understand. It is simple, but that isn’t necessarily the same thing as easy. Since the time you answered the Holy Spirit’s invitation, has your message gotten bigger or smaller? When you share […]

Transforming Limitations into Miracles of Opportunity

Imposed limitations or losses because of aging, disease, family changes, or financial reversals can create angst, anger, or insecurity, hijacking your vitality and focus, enticing you to brood over your challenges or woes. These distractions and temptations intend to hide the path to abundant life waiting in the lane God chooses for you.  “But, God.” […]