Excellence Begins at the Bottom

You are what you do. (most.) The way to achieve excellence is making small changes and consistently building on them. Every great thing rests on a series of tiny things done until they create habit; muscle, spiritual, or obedience habit. When trouble comes, habit rules the day. Some folks believe they’ll step up in a big crisis, that something held in reserve will miraculously appear. Crises don’t make us better, they reveal our habits.

Chasing Tribulation, or How I Got Bucked Off My Treadmill

  Most of you understand bucking. Lots of horse folks know what it’s like to look up from the ground wondering, “What happened? The first step toward finding contentment is awareness. Hard landings usually get our attention. I walk on the treadmill every day without incident. Until last Monday. One moment I was upright and […]

Do You Worry You’re Not Doing Enough?

Like many of you, sometimes I wonder if I’m doing enough. For the Lord, for my family, for the horses, as a good steward, and as a writer. I haven’t posted much since the last newsletter. This month’s (April 2018) list of articles is uncomfortably short. Have I let you down? Shirked? What happened? Life. […]