What’s Wrong With The United States—8 Stages of Civilization

close view of ancient Roman ruins on bright sunny day

The world is a mess. When nearly 4 out of 10 people reject the concept of absolute truth you end up with a nation defined by committee. Fred Allen once described a committee as“a group of the unprepared, appointed by the unwilling, to do the unnecessary.” Most folks are familiar with Alec Issigonis’s comment that […]

Straight Talk About Judges, Politicians, and Casting Your Vote

A funny thing happened in Austin… Politicians seldom inspire a case of the warm fuzzies and only TWO PERCENT of Americans trust the government to do the right thing most of the time. The week I spent at a desk on the floor of the Texas Senate in early August 2023, taught me some new […]

Fearful People – Trading Freedom for Security

Fear is the most powerful human motivator. Nothing gets your attention quicker than an icy drip of sweat down the spine. It’s normal to hold tension in your body, lose your good humor, and dwell on dark worrisome thoughts when confronted with things you don’t understand. Coronavirus is the latest crisis tempting people to exchange […]