Achieve Your Dream Series — Commitment

Man in blue shirt with hand over his heart. Achieve Your Dream Series Part 4 - Commitment

Commitment is the engine that pulls you across the finish line. No one knows for certain what will happen once they take the first step. However, far more critical to success than knowing Step 2 is resolving to take Step 1. Plans and dreams remain hypotheticals until you make the first move. I’ve never been […]

How To Set Goals That Predict Success

Want to be more successful, achieve goals, be a winner? Setting and achieving goals is formulaic—the details may change, but the process is the same. Once you know your WHAT (goal) and WHY (motivation), you’re ready to take a step closer to the finish line. My forty-plus year career is a case-study in setting goals […]

Seeing God—What It Means to Be Pure in Heart

Some people don’t want to see God because they don’t believe He exists. Curiously, the people who are most passionate about not believing are the same ones who harbor the greatest doubts.  The rest of us eagerly await the moment when we shall behold Him. One day we’ll meet face-to-face, but for most of us […]

7 Reasons Why God Doesn’t Say “Yes” When You Ask

Blonde woman wondering why God said no

How often does God give you what you ask for? I don’t have all the answers, but I know that coincidences don’t exist and that it’s possible to improve the odds of getting a “Yes” when you ask God for something. On the walking trail this morning I mentioned something I would like and God […]

God’s Sense Of Humor And The Call To Ministry

I practice daily humility moments. They’re gonna happen anyway, so I happy to get mine in early. Whenever I’m tempted to think I’m spiffy, I remember a morning in 2009 when God introduced the concept of ministry to me with His unique brand of humor. If you don’t know God’s grand purpose for you life, […]