Fight Back Against False Teachers — Forgeries and Fakes

“It’s fake.” Whether the forgery is artwork or false teaching, the loss is costly and real. Have you heard an Antiques Roadshow appraiser deliver this devastating news to someone who believes he or she owns a veritable treasure? “It’s fake.” Discovering that a priceless possession is really a worthless counterfeit must be heartbreaking. Appraisers aren’t […]
Decision Regret—5 Tips For Making Better Choices

Imagine how much different your life might be if you could go back in time and get a do-over on a few old decisions. The way you manage decisions, past, present, and future, is a matter of stewardship. Regret is a terrible use of energy, but you can leverage past mistakes to help you make […]
Transformational Leadership—4 Tips To Up Your Game

Transformational leadership is about change. Good leaders focus on getting the job done—doing what’s necessary to complete the tasks at hand. Great leaders focus on the people involved, seeing each task as both an objective and opportunity. Transformational leadership achieves goals while elevating everyone involved. People are inspired and motivated, walking away with something they […]
Servant Leadership Excellence – 7 Required Traits

Even if you weren’t the kid who led the neighborhood when you were ten-years-old, you can become a more influential leader. I was an effective leader when I transitioned from business consulting and motivational speaking to the horse industry. During those years my skills as both a servant leader and entrepreneur grew in ways I […]
Jesus Was the First Sherpa Leader

Pastors and leaders guided by the relationship principles Jesus taught His own disciples often think of themselves as shepherds. The biblical Greek word for shepherd translates into Latin as pastor. Knowing more about Sherpas may help you as a shepherd or pastor since you both have limited flocks and unlimited commitment. “Jesus took Peter, James, […]
Coronavirus – An Opportunity for Christians

Coronavirus didn’t interrupt our usual pursuits, it threw a rod. Normal exploded, and like Humpty Dumpty, cannot be put back together the same way. Many applicable “R” words (i.e: refine, reformat) apply to this season of change. This post lists twenty R-words with brief notes. COVID-19 offers a powerful opportunity to reflect, revise, and revive. […]
Leadership – Horsemanship – Discipleship

I’ve been a leadership junkie for decades. Transitioning from corporate America, consulting, and motivational speaking to horse training wasn’t as difficult as it may seem at first blush, because the rules for success were the same. The move from the horse industry to ministry was a bit more complicated, but I’ve discovered that the method […]
Pretty Doesn’t Ride

Pretty alone doesn’t ride. What what matters most in relationship isn’t seen with the eye. Pretty isn’t a reliable indicator of ability, heart, character, or trainability. Neither is a great hip, but it’s a better bet than an attractive head if you want to do most of the funner things with horses. Gallop across meadows. […]